Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

Google Adsense Is Easiest Way To Make Money

by: #Yuvraj Mehta

Google has been an impressive company these past few years. In the late 1990s they were relatively unknown. Today 1 out of 2 people search for information using Google. This has brought about a strong affiliate program to make money with called Google Adsense. But why it is still easy to make money even after the ups and downs it has gone through. In the fall of 2006 a report was written titled The Death Of Adsense. This sparked all kinds of debates all over the internet. Discussion forums were full of people talking about this report. There were two sides of the coin and both sides had strong feelings about what was going on with Google Adsense. There was people who used to make obscene amounts of money now complaining that their websites were virtually worthless. On the other hand there was people who claimed that they had built quality information style of websites and their income was actually increasing. What ended up being true was somewhere in the middle. It is a fact that Google changed the way they paid their affiliates. The amount they were billing an advertiser for Google Adwords Ads was lower when the ad was on a publisher website than it was on a Google search page. This did make income go down. What was interesting however for more details visit to was that quality content style websites have actually recovered and gone now to make as much or more money than they use to. It all comes down to execution and the number of pages your website contains. If you get your ads on the page correctly and you build a lot of pages you can still make very good money with Google Adsense. It is still the easiest money to make because you get paid by the click. I call this an internet vending machine. It will spit out the money if you get enough people looking at the ads. Blending ads into the page and getting them in the upper left hand corner of a page is two simple things you can do to get the click. The other key is knowing what people are searching for and building pages around the keywords. As a publisher you want to be found on as many keywords as possible. For more details visit to you also want to have ads on your pages for keywords that pay the most. The higher the cost per click to the advertiser the more money you will make when a visitor to your site clicks on one of the ads. If you are new to Google Adsense it makes sense to get ads on as many pages as possible. If you blog you can place Adsense ads at the top and bottom of a post and along the sidebar as well. If you have a blog, placing Adsense on your posts is as easy as clicking a couple of button to set it up. One other point to know about Google Adsense is never click on the ads on your pages. Click fraud is the quickest way to get banned from Google and they will not bother to ask questions. This makes sense because the integrity of Google lies in the trust the advertiser places when they pay for their ads. The clicks must come from legitimate traffic on your page and not from you. This was a quick overview on Google Adsense. It is still the easiest way to make money online because you get paid for a click. No information is required from your visitor and they do not have to pay you anything. How easy is that.

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